Environmental, Social and Governance
Aral shares in the global challenge to address climate change by utilizing technologies and innovation to achieve a low-carbon energy system across all of the Aral Group. Environmental stewardship is embedded into the planning and execution of every job and process, from exploration through construction and operation to the closure of our sites through reclamation and decommissioning. Our approach to water balances optimized use practices with technological innovation to sustainably manage water usage. Aral follows all water management regulations and focuses on innovative solutions to responsibly reuse, reduce and recycle as much water as is economically feasible.
In addition to continuously strengthening relationships and educating communities, we strive to innovate towards low/zero carbon forms of energy that are both affordable and accessible to all. Aral's outreach goals reflects our commitment to change the way we think and act as an organization in building greater trust and respect within all demographics. Per Aral’s Guiding Principles, we will supply energy to the world as environmentally and as socially responsibly as possible.
Aral is also committed to strengthening our relationships with Indigenous communities in the areas of our operations and our community outreach goals reflects our commitment to change the way we think and act as an organization to build greater mutual trust and respect with the Indigenous groups of Canada.
Aral’s Team has worked with the elected leadership, Elders, community organizations and business leaders to describe regulatory, exploration, construction, operation, health & safety, and environmental plans in developing mitigation plans. Our Guiding Principles include the following proactive initiatives in our areas of operations:
Community-designed and managed programs that focus on more effective consultation
Programs to increase employment skills training and economic development
Programs to advance education (i.e., scholarships, student work-terms and in-kind training resources)
Community-designed and managed programs to promote social priorities such as environment, cultural retention and public health and safety including Treaty Days, Moose Hide Campaigns and youth activities
The Aral Group Board approves corporate strategies that are intended to build sustainable long-term value including allocating capital for long-term growth and assessing and managing risks.
Management develops and implements corporate strategy and operates the company’s business under the board’s oversight, with the goal of producing sustainable long-term value creation.
Management, under the oversight of the board and its audit committee, produces financial statements that fairly present the company’s financial condition and results of operations and makes the timely disclosures investors need to assess the financial and business soundness and risks of the company.
The Board will consider the interests of all of the lendee company’s ESG constituencies, including stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers and the community in which the company does business. The lendee must demonstrate how the organization contributes in a direct and meaningful way to building long-term value creation and clearly has commitment to environmental stewardship.
Aral companies will not carry 3rd party debt to fund any capital activities or for working capital requirements to ensure long term sustainability.